How to Lose Thigh Fat in 5 Extremely Easy Steps

Do you carry most of your weight in your thighs? Is it difficult to find a pair of jeans that fit you comfortably? Would you like learn how to lose thigh fat, and be one of those "skinny girls" again? If so, this article is for you. If you follow these 5 easy steps, not only will it reduce the amount of fat stored in your thighs, but also leave you feeling happy, healthy, and in control of your body again. So, without further ado:

Step 1: Go to your local health food store and buy the best whey protein shake powder they have (the pricier stuff tends to taste much better and you will be more likely to actually drink it). Drink two servings of the protein powder every day, between meals. Do not replace a meal with a protein powder shake.

Step 2: Instead of using water to mix your shake, use milk. I know that the instructions may say to mix the powder with water, but trust me: use milk. Low-fat is okay. Skim milk is best. Not only will the milk make the protein shake more delicious, but it will also add much needed calcium into your diet. Calcium has been scientifically proven to boost weight loss by over 250% by binding to fat in the digestive system .

Step 3: Try to drink your second shake about 2 hours before your last meal. I know what you are thinking: "I'll ruin my appetite!" That is the goal, actually. You don't want to completely skip dinner, but you do want to eat less. Eating less dinner will mean that you have less on your stomach when you go to bed and you will burn fat (and lose thigh fat) while you sleep.

Step 4: Add a fiber supplement to your diet. Getting fiber from the food you eat is better, but most people either cannot make those types of dietary changes, or are not willing. The next best thing is a fiber supplement. Be sure to use a supplement that uses natural fiber, such as psyllium or flax seed husks. The fiber will help you feel full longer, and will keep your bowel movements more regular. But, fiber will also help you lose thigh fat by binding to fat and flushing it out of your body before it has a chance to be stored.

Step 5: Get those thighs of yours moving! Walk around your neighborhood. Get back on that treadmill. Dust off that old bike. You don't have to do much, but you need to do something to give your metabolism a boost. Although exercising earlier in the day is best, any time of the day is still better than nothing. This will help you lose thigh fat quickly all by itself, but when combined with the 4 steps listed above, your thighs will seem to shrink before your very eyes.

So there you go. Five easy steps: Buy protein shake powder, mix it with skim milk, drink it between meals, and try to drink one of them 2 hours before dinner. Then, add a fiber supplement to your diet, and get some exercise. Following these 5 steps will help you lose thigh fat quickly, easily, and without being going hungry.

So, if you think you are up for the challenge, go to, where you will learn, step-by-step, how to lose 10 pounds in 3 days. Do not hesitate. You owe it to yourself. Take back control of your life today. Learning how to lose thigh fat is one thing - doing it is another... So, just do it!

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3 Basic Steps To Burn Belly Fat Now

Many people struggle with burning belly fat and this is despite being bombarded with millions of commercial diets in the media. This is because they lack the basic knowledge required to effectively burn fat. This article outlines three important basic steps that everyone needs to know in order to burn belly fat. Knowing how to burn belly fat is the first step in the process as belly fat has been known to be the cause of many debilitating diseases. To effectively flatten your belly, it is important to follow the following steps and incorporate into a daily routine.

Burn as many calories as possible.

The best way to flatten your belly is to eat a reduced calorie diet. This does not mean changing the foods that you eat but eating them in smaller portions or even making relevant substitutions for instance skimmed milk instead of whole milk. You do not have to starve yourself as this is detrimental to weight loss as the body will immediately switch to survival mode as a mechanism thus storing fat for survival. The process of cutting down calories is not as difficult as many people believe. The best way to go about it is to purchase a calorie counter book which outlines the calories count of all foods. You can also search online for calorie content of common foods to help you in your weight loss quest.

Work that belly off.

This compliments a calorie reduced diet as exercising burns consumed calories hence helping in weight loss. The more calories you burn, the more fat you lose. Weight training helps build muscles and the process of muscle building, which need food to grow, burns calories. Regular exercising also increases blood flow and makes the body work more efficiently. It also increases the metabolic rate which in turn burns belly fat gradually. The more you exercise the better shape you get into and of course the leaner and more toned you look.

Proper food choices are key to your success.

You are what you eat and for people aiming to lose weight and burn belly fat, the type of food they eat is very important. One can eat less and burn belly fat immediately however it I important to cut out on foods that give empty calories. Burning more calories than you are eating is not enough. You must also take into consideration the quality of the calories you are eating.

Some easy replacements that get rid of low quality or empty calorie include reducing or getting rid of soda in your diet altogether. This is because soda contains plenty of processes sugar which are empty calories that aid in fat gain. Taking 3 to 4 cans of soda per day translates to 450 to 600 empty calories per day.

Stick to natural foods as opposed to processed foods which are also rich in empty calories. Carrying packed lunch to work will not only help you cut cost but also weight too. A homemade meal of meat and baked potato is cheaper and healthier than burger and fries.

Following these three steps are a sure way of burning belly fat. All you need is persistence and patience and you will be on your way to healthier, happier and trimmer you.

Mark Hall has a special report detailing the facts about 6 pack abs []. There are many methods that help flatten the belly. For example you can view a video revealing the shocking 90 day results from P90x [] workout system.

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Easy Ways To Lose Weight Fast: Step by Step

Below is how to lose weight fast, step by step.

Step 1 - Clean out your kitchen and do away with junk food

Many people fill their kitchen with junk food which includes sugary snacks and drinks. These foods are rich in carbohydrates and sugars which when consumed are converted into complex fats and glucose. The enzyme responsible for converting carbs and sugars into fat would not let you live longer if you eat junk food more often.

Long term consumption of junk food and sugary drinks leads to the body converting starch and sugars into bad cholesterol. The bad cholesterol is stored in the body around the thighs, hips and waist therefore leading to obesity.

To lose weight fast you need to clean out your kitchen and eliminate the junk food and sugary drinks.

Step 2 - Purchase fruits and vegetables

Fruits such as apples and pears are rich sources of fiber, water and other minerals which help to accelerate the rate of metabolism therefore leading to fat burning, resulting in weight loss. Natural sugars found in the fruits help to act as a source of energy for bodily functions when converted into glucose.

Vegetables such as spinach and kales are rich sources of various minerals such as potassium, calcium and fibre. Calcium is known to accelerate fat burning in the body therefore leading to weight loss. Filling your kitchen with fruits and vegetables will allow you to prepare healthy meals and snacks such as salads.

Step 3 - Cook homemade meals

The majority of restaurants do not prepare healthy foods and ingredients used in making the meals are rich in unsaturated fats and sugars. Many people are fond of eating in restaurants or ordering food from fast food joints. While it may be convenient to have meals prepared for you or delivered to you, you are increasing chances of being obese.

Preparing home cooked meals enable you to purchase organic grown ingredients such as vegetables, spices and fruits therefore when consumed; one is able to gain the full benefits from the minerals and nutrients therefore losing weight in the process.

Step 4 - Drink water regularly

Water contains no calories therefore it is perfect for helping one to lose weight fast. Experts recommend individuals to consume 6 to 8 glasses of water each day. Many people are busy during the day and may forget to follow the regular schedule of drinking water.

The best way to remember is by wrap 6 to 8 rubber bands around the wrist and each time you take a glass of water, you need to remove a rubber band and place it aside. Drinking water regularly especially before meals helps to act as an appetite suppressor. This prevents one from consuming junk food or sugary drinks.

Drinking water between bites when eating helps to fill up one's stomach therefore reducing one's appetite in the process.

Step 5 - Join a Gym

Although all the above steps are vital to the process of losing weight fast, one have to also consider joining a local Gym in order to keep your body workout active. You do not have to consider expensive subscriptions when it comes to choosing your gym membership, as they are plenty of offers around you. Check for cheap Gym Membership deals in your local area. Remember, the most important thing here is to keep your body up and running, burn more calories, keep fit and eventually live longer.

In conclusion, how to lose weight fast is a step by step process that begins with one cleaning out their kitchen by eliminating all junk food and sugary drinks. Once the junk food and sugary drinks have been removed, the next step is to purchase fruits and vegetables which will enable one to prepare healthy home cooked meals and healthy snacks therefore completing step three.

The last step advocates one to drink more water regularly as this will help to suppress one's appetite therefore eliminating chances of snacking and consuming junk food.

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Lose Fat From Your Thighs, Belly, and Hips - How to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Week With 7 Easy Steps

Weight gain is the most frustrating part of life. It can make it difficult to even get up in the morning - not because of the weight, but because of the emotions attached to weight gain and being overweight. Your social life can become non-existent because you are just not confident enough to be out and about. So - how do you go about getting fit, trim, slim, skinny - see how many words we have to describe it? How do you go from where you are to where you want to be?

Unfortunately there is no wake-up-skinny pill. It took time to gain the weight, it is going to take time to take it off. Crash diets, fad diets, they are just that. If there was some magic diet out there - everyone would be on it, right? If someone tells you it is going to be easy and require nothing from you - they are selling you snake-oil and you should run away!

The very first steps to losing weight and keeping it off starts in your head and heart - not with your running shoes or in your frig. You have to make changes to your habit and stay motivated.

The key to motivation is to start off quickly and with big results. Even if the results do not continue at that rate - the first 2 weeks are crucial to your motivation and commitment to your weight loss program. So - lets get started and jump-start your workout regime. No More Diets - Skinny - HERE WE COME!

Belly Fat

So many of us are susceptible to carrying extra fat in our belly, thighs, and hips. Belly fat is one of the most persistent places and can be the most dangerous - with some studies showing a correlation between belly fat and heart decease and diabetes. Regardless of the research - a healthy life is vital to feeling good about yourself. The better you feel, the better your lifestyle, the better your eating habits, the higher your metabolism.

No More Excuses

Do not make excuses about losing weight either. Too often I hear people talk about getting older and how that makes it harder - SO WHAT! And honestly, the change is not major and it takes time. You can fight back the affects of age much faster than it can get ahead of you - so put the excused down and lets get started.

Let's see - other objections people have raised? They are big-boned, they carry weight easily, their body likes it, they were born to be this way. Please see those for what they truly are - Bad Excuses. Those excuses show a deeper issue of a bad attitude that will not support success. Change your attitude and you can change your life.

Do you think you are too busy for all of this? Making good, healthy diet choices does not have to take much more time than your current lifestyle. Also - as you get healthy, and lose weight, you will find you have more energy for the activities you want to do.

Forget the excuses and follow seven simple ways to lose 10 pounds in a couple of weeks! Start Today:

1. Set Yourself Up For Success - Clean The Pantry: It is hard when you first start removing sweets from your diet to not crave them from time to time. You can fight sweet cravings by having some fresh fruit - but if you have sweets around, which do you think is going to win out? Your old habits of course. So, clean the pantry of sweets or anything that you tend to over indulge with.

2. Start Your Day Right - Breakfast Is Key: When you start your day with a good, healthy breakfast you are better prepared to face the temptations of the day. Have a breakfast that consist of 40% protein, 40% carbs, and 20% fat. This may look like a few whole eggs - scrambled, a couple of ounces of turkey breast, a cup of fruit or an apple, and an avocado. It will hold you for a while and help you maintain your muscle mass too.

3. Eat To Lose - Keep Your Metabolic Fire Burning: When you let your body slow down on the calorie burning by going a long time between meals, it is like a camp fire cooling down. If you put a big log on a set of embers, it has a hard time catching fire. But if you throw a big log on a roaring fire - it is consumed without any problem. Keep your fire burning by eating smaller meals and eat them every 3 hours. Nothing huge - but keep it consistent.

4. Sleep Diet Rules - 8 Hours Of Sleep Can Help You Lose 5-15 lbs in 10 Weeks: No joke - they did a study on this. Getting more sleep helps your body process the calories you have AND it keeps you away from late night snacks which can add 500 or more calories a day to your diet. Just sleep the weight off.

5. Skip The Gym - Hit the Body Ball: With just 2 workouts a week of 20 minutes each, it is possible to build lean muscle mass that burns fat 24 hours a day. Jorge Cruise, the creator of the 3-hour diet has some great tips on how to get the most powerful workout possible in just 20 minutes. You will feel the burn and save you a ton of time (and money) from going to the gym.

6. Drink Water Before Each Meal - Thirst Is Not Hunger: Often our body thinks we are hungry when we are just thirsty. Give it a chance to clean up the signals by having a glass or two of water about 15 minutes before each meal. You will feel full sooner and be able to avoid the second helpings.

7. Walk Before You Eat - Walk Right When You Wake Up: Studies have shown that early morning exercise - prior to eating your breakfast can have a drastic impact and last for many hours in the day. So, get up, put on your walking shoes, grab your ipod, and hit the pavement for 15 to 30 minutes each morning. It will jump-start your weight loss in a major way.

The key to losing weight long term is to create new habits of physical activity and better diet changes. You can lose weight by choosing the right foods and the right exercises. However - the beginning is hard and the need to have some early success is key to keeping motivated. To really jump-start your massive action plan and get your motivation pumping, you can try a free trial of a diet supplement [] that helps shed the pounds. Not only will it help you lose your first 15 lbs quickly, it also boosts your energy by cleaning out the toxins that are in your colon. The best part - you can try it for free.

Want more information on losing weight and staying fit? You can check out my latest suggestions, tips, and strategies at []

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3 Easy Steps To Lose Cheek Fat Fast

Are you feeling embarrassed about your fat chubby cheeks and looking for ways to lose the fat in your cheeks? If this is so, what you need to do is to take specific actions to lose fat in your cheeks and have a lean beautiful face. To start with, the basic steps to reduce fat in your cheeks are by eating balanced diet and exercising your body and facial muscle.

The following steps can help to reduce your cheek fat and achieve a firm beautiful face.

1). Regular Body Exercise

You should engage in regular body exercise. Exercise will help to burn fat in your body including those in your cheeks. You need at least 30-60 minutes of cardio daily. Simple exercises like running, jogging, walking and cycling will help to reduce your cheek fat.

2). Balanced Diet

Healthy eating is vital for your overall health. You should include foods that are high in fibers, such as fruits and vegetables in your diet. Ensure that you drink plenty of water everyday. Water is very important for your body to be hydrated. Water also helps to flush out toxins, which are responsible for your cheek fat. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. Try to minimize the amount of salt and sugar intake in your diet. Too much salt in the body can cause water retention and bloating.

3). Facial Exercises

To lose fat in your cheeks, you should perform specific facial exercise in addition to general body exercise. Facial exercise strengthened the cheek muscle and makes your cheeks firm. You only need to spend 15-20 minutes daily on your face and you will soon notice the changes. Specific exercise for the cheeks includes massaging and rubbing.

Follow the above steps and you will be on a fast and easy way to Lose Cheek Fat. To learn more about other Easy Steps to Lose Cheek Fat Fast, visit

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Fatty Liver - Cleanse Your Liver in 1 Easy Step With the Fat Loss Factor

A special liver cleanse drink being used in the wildly successful Fat Loss Factor may be a huge breakthrough for people who struggle with fatty liver.

In case you haven't heard, everybody is talking about the Fat Loss Factor liver cleanse drink. Many folks are experiencing amazing results cleansing their liver and losing weight. In fact, at the time of this writing, searches for the Fat Loss Factor is even more popular than the Dr Oz cleanse.

Although losing weight is a beneficial component the Fat Loss Factor, our goal here is to discuss how it can rejuvenate your liver.

Liver Cleanse Drink for People Who Struggle With Fatty Liver

The key point here is how their method works. When it comes to your liver, you need a practical approach based on proven principles. The 3 most important factors is finding a healthy way that works for you so you can:

Cleanse your liver
Promote fat loss
Boost your metabolism

You can use the liver cleanse drink to: Improve hydration, clear toxins, flush wastes, regulate your system, relax your digestion, reduce the toxic buildup of fat, and relieve the stress of a sluggish liver.

Cleanse Your Liver in 1 Easy Step

How easy is it for you to drink a simple drink and start feeling the results? Here's all you need to do:

Step 1 - For the next 10 days, drink the Fat Loss Factor's special homemade liver cleanse drink. It's simple to make and actually quite tasty! Mix up a batch of the liver cleanse drink every day. Drink it plain or mix it with juice or tea. Drink at least 5 glasses (7 is better) every day for the next 10 days. Actually, you can drink this liver cleanse drink for as long as you want. In fact, it may even become a healthy habit for you.

That's it!

Of course, eating healthy foods (lots of veggies, proteins and whole foods) and doing daily exercise will dramatically enhance your results. And as a side benefit, you may even lose weight. A clean healthy liver is the most important factor to keep your:

Energy up
Weight down
Skin clear
Moods balanced

Focus on creating a healthier environment for your liver. You may be able to do it with a program like the Fat Loss Factor or Dr. Oz liver cleanse or find another effective plan to guide you.

Take the First Step to Cleanse Your Liver

Get on the right track now to promote your own health. A clean liver is the first step to increase your energy, lose stomach fat, have clear lively skin, bring balance to your moods, feel fresh and revived.

In short, taking care of your liver is the first step in living a carefree healthy life. As a matter of fact, it may turn out to be the only thing you need to do.

My name is Beth Winter and I am on a mission to help people, just like you, get healthy and find relief. When my daughter was diagnosed with fatty liver, we were scared. After hundreds of hours of research, we know what works!

Learn more about the popular Fat Loss Factor here. Get more information about the homemade drink to cleanse your liver here.

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Lose Your Face Fat In 5 Simple Steps

If you think that your face has become too fat, your chin is threatening to double itself, or you cheeks seem a little puffy, you've come to the right article. For here I'll describe how you can lose your face fat in 5 simple steps.

Facial fat is one of the most depressing kinds to have, I know. The reason is that our face is what makes or breaks the first impression people have of us. If people dislike our face, they will never find us attractive. And the plain truth is that rounded, fatty faces are simply not that attractive. Believe me, I wish they were. It would've made things much easier for me, as I'm sure it would to some more of you.

But don't be discouraged. There are ways you can lose your face fat and have a firmer, toner face with more prominent cheek bones.

Here are 5 Steps To Lose Your Facial Fat

1. Lose overall body fat - When we gain too much weight, some of it finds itself in our chin, jowls, cheeks and face. We can't help it. We can't choose where we want to gain fat and where we don't. One way in which you can lose some face fat is to reduce your overall fat percentage. Doing this is pretty basic: become more active, exercise, and maintain a healthy diet.

2. The second step you need to take is to drink more water and fluids - The reason why this is so important is twofold: First drinking water is crucial if we want to lose any kind of fat, facial or other. Second, when our body is deprived of water it starts to retain whatever water it already has. This makes us feel and look bloated and puffy. In no place is this phenomenon so obvious as in our face. By drinking 8-12 glasses of water each day, you will not only improve your health, you will also make your face appears firmer and less fat.

3. Go easy on the salt - Salt causes water retention in a big way. That's why if you indulge in eating salt loaded foods like fast food and French fries your face will appear bloated and fatty. When you add salt to your food do it in moderation. Taste the food before adding salt to it so that you can gauge how much you really need.

4. Facial Exercises - One way in which you can make your entire face appears firmer is to do facial exercises. These strengthen and tone the facial muscles and burn face fat. They also help to prevent or reduce sagging in your face since the muscles are better able to support the skin.

5. Cosmetic procedure - If all else fails to give you the desired result (if you do the 4 steps I've related this shouldn't happen) you always have the option of cosmetic procedure to lose your face fat. There are basically 3 types of procedures that you can do:

Ultrasound which uses sound waves to break apart the fat cells in your face.
Liposuction - which uses a tube inserted into your skin to suck the fat out.
Cosmetic surgery - In which the fat is cut out of your body and the face is patched to appear younger, smoother, and slimmer.

I say that this is the last resort to lose your facial fat since each of these operations is very costly, mostly not covered by insurance (since this isn't a health related procedure), and very risky. Imagine how a single mistake here can damage your face forever. If you do opt for having a cosmetic procedure to lose your face fat, choose your surgeon or doctor carefully to make sure he or she is experienced.

I hope these 5 steps to losing your facial fat will help you in your quest for a youthful, firm, and beautiful face.

Click here to read more ways to Lose Facial fat. Rachel Nesbit writes extensively on Beauty and health issues. To read her in depth review of way to lose face and cheek fat, click this link: Get Rid Of Face Fat Fast

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