Lose Fat From Your Thighs, Belly, and Hips - How to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Week With 7 Easy Steps
Weight gain is the most frustrating part of life. It can make it difficult to even get up in the morning - not because of the weight, but because of the emotions attached to weight gain and being overweight. Your social life can become non-existent because you are just not confident enough to be out and about. So - how do you go about getting fit, trim, slim, skinny - see how many words we have to describe it? How do you go from where you are to where you want to be?
Unfortunately there is no wake-up-skinny pill. It took time to gain the weight, it is going to take time to take it off. Crash diets, fad diets, they are just that. If there was some magic diet out there - everyone would be on it, right? If someone tells you it is going to be easy and require nothing from you - they are selling you snake-oil and you should run away!
The very first steps to losing weight and keeping it off starts in your head and heart - not with your running shoes or in your frig. You have to make changes to your habit and stay motivated.
The key to motivation is to start off quickly and with big results. Even if the results do not continue at that rate - the first 2 weeks are crucial to your motivation and commitment to your weight loss program. So - lets get started and jump-start your workout regime. No More Diets - Skinny - HERE WE COME!
Belly Fat
So many of us are susceptible to carrying extra fat in our belly, thighs, and hips. Belly fat is one of the most persistent places and can be the most dangerous - with some studies showing a correlation between belly fat and heart decease and diabetes. Regardless of the research - a healthy life is vital to feeling good about yourself. The better you feel, the better your lifestyle, the better your eating habits, the higher your metabolism.
No More Excuses
Do not make excuses about losing weight either. Too often I hear people talk about getting older and how that makes it harder - SO WHAT! And honestly, the change is not major and it takes time. You can fight back the affects of age much faster than it can get ahead of you - so put the excused down and lets get started.
Let's see - other objections people have raised? They are big-boned, they carry weight easily, their body likes it, they were born to be this way. Please see those for what they truly are - Bad Excuses. Those excuses show a deeper issue of a bad attitude that will not support success. Change your attitude and you can change your life.
Do you think you are too busy for all of this? Making good, healthy diet choices does not have to take much more time than your current lifestyle. Also - as you get healthy, and lose weight, you will find you have more energy for the activities you want to do.
Forget the excuses and follow seven simple ways to lose 10 pounds in a couple of weeks! Start Today:
1. Set Yourself Up For Success - Clean The Pantry: It is hard when you first start removing sweets from your diet to not crave them from time to time. You can fight sweet cravings by having some fresh fruit - but if you have sweets around, which do you think is going to win out? Your old habits of course. So, clean the pantry of sweets or anything that you tend to over indulge with.
2. Start Your Day Right - Breakfast Is Key: When you start your day with a good, healthy breakfast you are better prepared to face the temptations of the day. Have a breakfast that consist of 40% protein, 40% carbs, and 20% fat. This may look like a few whole eggs - scrambled, a couple of ounces of turkey breast, a cup of fruit or an apple, and an avocado. It will hold you for a while and help you maintain your muscle mass too.
3. Eat To Lose - Keep Your Metabolic Fire Burning: When you let your body slow down on the calorie burning by going a long time between meals, it is like a camp fire cooling down. If you put a big log on a set of embers, it has a hard time catching fire. But if you throw a big log on a roaring fire - it is consumed without any problem. Keep your fire burning by eating smaller meals and eat them every 3 hours. Nothing huge - but keep it consistent.
4. Sleep Diet Rules - 8 Hours Of Sleep Can Help You Lose 5-15 lbs in 10 Weeks: No joke - they did a study on this. Getting more sleep helps your body process the calories you have AND it keeps you away from late night snacks which can add 500 or more calories a day to your diet. Just sleep the weight off.
5. Skip The Gym - Hit the Body Ball: With just 2 workouts a week of 20 minutes each, it is possible to build lean muscle mass that burns fat 24 hours a day. Jorge Cruise, the creator of the 3-hour diet has some great tips on how to get the most powerful workout possible in just 20 minutes. You will feel the burn and save you a ton of time (and money) from going to the gym.
6. Drink Water Before Each Meal - Thirst Is Not Hunger: Often our body thinks we are hungry when we are just thirsty. Give it a chance to clean up the signals by having a glass or two of water about 15 minutes before each meal. You will feel full sooner and be able to avoid the second helpings.
7. Walk Before You Eat - Walk Right When You Wake Up: Studies have shown that early morning exercise - prior to eating your breakfast can have a drastic impact and last for many hours in the day. So, get up, put on your walking shoes, grab your ipod, and hit the pavement for 15 to 30 minutes each morning. It will jump-start your weight loss in a major way.
The key to losing weight long term is to create new habits of physical activity and better diet changes. You can lose weight by choosing the right foods and the right exercises. However - the beginning is hard and the need to have some early success is key to keeping motivated. To really jump-start your massive action plan and get your motivation pumping, you can try a free trial of a diet supplement [http://losebodyfatnow.info] that helps shed the pounds. Not only will it help you lose your first 15 lbs quickly, it also boosts your energy by cleaning out the toxins that are in your colon. The best part - you can try it for free.
Want more information on losing weight and staying fit? You can check out my latest suggestions, tips, and strategies at [http://losebodyfatnow.info/advice]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Janet_Miller